awareness · thoughts · women

Woman to woman.


“She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future” (Proverbs 31.25)

I really didn’t know how to name this post or even how to start writing about it because I had so many mixed feelings but here I am, pouring out my thoughts on this. I also hope I don’t sound sexist or have feminist thoughts but this topic had me thinking today. I even had to go deep into my Bible for edification. Women…who are we? What do we have to offer? What’s our role as a girl, woman, wife, mother? I could only possibly try talking about all either out of experience or from what I learnt cuz I’m a girl blossoming into a woman of grace, dignity and honor.

So, growing up, all girls have this particular mentality about men: they need to provide for us, spoil us, support all our changing moods etc etc and definitely, the men generally have to do everything for us. Actually, I’ve never been the type to ask whatever from someone even when I’m in great need for I felt asking could be a burden. So this rule didn’t really apply to me. On the other hand,they say men are supposed to ‘complete’ we the women and this is where I had my shock…

In Genesis 2:18, God says “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Here, we see that God knows us, what we truly need. Adam didn’t complain about being alone but seeing all the work Adam had to do and surely Adam wished he had someone to assist him (desires of the heart), God finds a companion for him. He then calls all the animals on the earth for naming but doesn’t find a suitable help and God takes the next step: ” So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.(Genesis 2:21-22) This says it all so let me break it down for you…

There are three key words here: Helper, companion and rib.

Helper: We are meant to help our men, support them ,guide them, encourage them.

Companion: Man is not meant to be alone, he needs someone by his side, someone to spend his life with and ” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”(Genesis 2.24)

Rib: The woman was made out of man and not the contrary so we complete man…not the opposite. Without man, we wouldn’t have existed so it’s our role to be their better half.

So combining all this, we as women have to be the pillar, the strength of our men, the missing piece of the puzzle. That’s our role but how can we do that? By building our faith, being the righteous lady. It is said in the Bible that “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31.30). This passage takes the crown. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom because once you fear the Lord, you don’t give way to temptations, to atrocities. You are full of wisdom and insight. You are cautious in your ways. You give your life completely to God and let Him take total control. It also says “He who finds a wife finds a good thing And obtains favor from the LORD.” (Proverbs 18.22) Why does he find a good thing? Because woman is the definition of love, purity, generosity, growth, strength. Our mothers mean everything to us because no matter what happens, they stick by our side. When you look at a family and everything is moving on well, the woman of the house is praised because it’s believed the woman is the key to a child’s success and to the prosperity of her home. She is there for the kids from birth till death. She cares, nurtures, teaches, corrects, encourages and so on and so forth. And when things go wrong, all fingers are still pointed towards the mum for not raising the kid properly or not handling her home the right way. She failed in her duty…Take example of Eve. She was tempted and once she ate the forbidden fruit, it was the downfall of mankind and some say women are the root of evil. This clearly proves how powerful we are and what important role we play on this earth.

Have you ever thought why during wars or whatever disastrous acts, people always asked to save the kids and women first? Because the kids are the future and the mothers/women are their guide if we need a better tomorrow. Ofcourse there are exceptions to the rule but the women are the natural lovers and show alot of empathy. I’m an elder sister and I really have to be careful in my doings because I am an example for my younger ones. I’m also an aunt so in every thing I do, I have to teach my nieces and nephews the right way and correct them when necessary especially the girls. As women, we never lack what to do: from cooking, to education, to management, to solving family problems, we also give birth, motivate, bear all changes etc and at times we don’t even have time for ourselves.  As women, we ought to be selfless.

That is why,even with all our responsilities, we should never stand and boast or try to take man’s place because through it all, he remains the head of the family: ” I permit no woman to teach or have authority over a man. She is to keep quiet.” (1 Timothy 2.12) We are meant to complement and not try to overcome.

So before you start saying men have to do this and that for you, ask yourself these questions: What am  going to give to my man/husband? Will I be a blessing to him? Will I be supportive towards him? Am I truly a good woman for him? Before expecting to receive whatever from somene, we should be able to give and more and even not to expect anything in return. Reading these passages made me understand I have a lot of building up to do especially spiritually because my actions, wants, deeds might affect my husband and my possible generation. What will I teach them? I have to be prayerful, patient, enduring, understanding, supportive and to be able to be the best me, I’ll need God’s help and strength.God is within me and I will not fall, this I procalim.Amen!!

” A woman’s heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek God to find her.”

I hope I helped someone today. Please give me your thoughts on the role of a woman/wife in our lives or the lives of men. Thank you! Have a great week. God bless.

Sammy J.

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